Sunday, June 26, 2011

What Architect?

I can't imagine how this front door was designed to be so far from the sidewalk. And then need such tall, skinny steps to reach the door threshold. The architect (yeah right) who designed this house obviously didn't measure correctly in order to get the floor of the house even close to level with the sidewalk.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Have Chop Shop, Will Travel

I came home from breakfast and the old blue car that had been sitting across the street for months, without moving, was being taken apart by two industrious men.  The car couldn't be driven to the junkyard and a towing fee was out of the question, so the "chop" guys came to the car.  By mid-afternoon, this was what the skeleton looked like.

Working with nothing more than a small crowbar, a mallet, a hacksaw and a sledge hammer, by evening all that was left sitting on the street were the two ripped up seats.  Everything else had been carted away in pieces.