Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Chicken or the Egg?

It just dawned on me today that I have given up caring about some things since I retired. I've given up caring about which came first; the chicken or the egg. I've given up trying to find out something that I don't have a chance of figuring out before I die, so why bother. Am I depressed or just pragmatic? Maybe I'm just tired, feel I'm without purpose and fear getting old . . .


Steve Cotton said...

Has something brought on this introspective mood?

Paty said...

Hey Steve--As I've posted, I'm looking forward to starting my indigo vat. I set aside several months with nothing planned except dyeing. However, Mexico is the last place to find chemicals such as zinc powder, wood alcohol, etc. The final chemical I need will be muled over the border next week. But this past couple of months has been BORING. All I do is read and eat; not particularly good for my 59 year old "old lady" figure. With little to do but think, I've been thinking. And getting rather down because of it. I'm feeling my age and not looking forward to getting older even though the alternative is not attractive either. As long as I have a diversion, I'm fine. Just got back from Patzcuaro, Michoacan for three days. Dreary and rainy but nice to be there.